What is Moodle?
What is Moodalytics?
Moodalytics is online analytics platform made specificity for Moodle to give you valuable insights of you LMS users behaviour, where they come from and what they do on your LMS. MoodleAnalytics helps you make marketing decisions, including SEO, ad campaigns, social media and much more. Moodalytics.com proudly sponsors Moodle but is not affiliated with Moodle Trust or Moodle Foundation.
What can Moodalytics do?
Find out more about users of your Moodle courses:
- Where do your users come from?
- Which courses do they open?
- How much time do they spend on your LMS?
- Where do they come from?
- Set goals and track events.
- And much, much more…
How can I start using Moodalytics?
Just create your account and copy the JavaScript code into one setting in your Moodle LMS and you can start following users of your LMS and generate reports.
Is it FREE?
YES! Moodalytics is FREE. You can sign-up for your FREE account now and later upgrade to PRO if you like to use more functions. With FREE account you’ll have the most important functions. Check out our features list for more details.
What do I get with Moodalytics PRO?
- +21 widgets – More options to customize your dashboard.
- Live statistics – Watch real time flow of visits to your website. Get a detailed view of your visitors, pages they have visited and goals they have triggered.
- Goal conversion tracking – Track custom variables and identify whether you are meeting your current business objectives.
- Event Tracking – Measure any interaction by users on your websites and apps.
- Campaign tracking – Automatically detects Google Analytics campaign parameters in your URLs.
Can I sign-up just for FREE and later upgrade to PRO?
YES! You can sign-up now for free and upgrade to PRO at any time. Create your FREE account now and try our services.
Can I switch back to FREE later?
YES! Any time you decide you can downgrade to FREE and upgrade to PRO account.