
Advertising on MoodleAnalytics

  • MoodleAnalytics strives to provide you with relevant and useful advertising and we use theDoubleClick cookie, as well as other third party ad serving systems, to do so. We may use a range of information including cookies, web beacons, IP addresses, usage data and other non-personal information about your computer or device (such as browser type and operating system) to provide you with relevant advertising. If you are logged into your MoodleAnalytics Account, we may also show you advertising based on the information you have provided to us in your MoodleAnalytics Account.
  • We use the DoubleClick cookie on MoodleAnalytics to help advertisers and publishers serve and manage ads on this site and other Google and AdSense partner websites. Advertisers may serve ads based on interests associated with non-personally identifiable online activity, such as videos viewed, frequency of uploading or activity on other AdSense partner sites. Advertisers may also serve ads to you based on previous activity on that advertiser’s website. This non-personally identifiable information is held separately from your MoodleAnalytics Account data, or other personally identifying information in our possession.
  • You may view, edit and add to the categories used to provide you with interest-based advertising in the Ads Preferences Manager for the DoubleClick cookie. Your ads preferences will be respected across MoodleAnalytics, AdSense partner sites and Google sites using the DoubleClick cookie to serve such ads. For more information about interest-based advertising and the Ads Preference Manager see FAQ.
  • You also may choose to opt out of the DoubleClick cookie at any time. If you select the DoubleClick opt-out cookie, ads delivered to your browser by our ad-serving technology will not be served based on the DoubleClick cookie. Find more information here about opting out of the DoubleClick cookie.
  • Other third-party ad serving companies or networks may display ads on MoodleAnalytics. MoodleAnalytics does not provide any personal information to these third-party ad servers or ad networks without your consent. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers or ad networks for more information on their practices and for instructions on how to opt-out of certain practices. MoodleAnalytics’s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites. Any data obtained by third-party ad servers subsequently shared with MoodleAnalytics is maintained and dealt with by MoodleAnalytics in accordance with this privacy policy.
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